New law for the legalisation of properties on rural land in the Balearic Islands

Decree Law 3/2024, of May 24, on urgent measures for administrative simplification and rationalization of the public administrations of the Balearic Islands, recently approved by the Balearic Government, provides, among other measures, a procedure to legalize constructions built on rustic land that are out of order and for which the deadlines for reestablishing urban planning legality have elapsed.

The decree law provides that all buildings, constructions, installations and uses existing on rustic land that are outside the planning regulations in force, and for which the Administration’s right to demand the restoration of legality has expired, may benefit from this extraordinary legalisation regime.

These are buildings and uses that are not regulated, either because they were built without a license, or because they were built in accordance with previous legislation that was incompatible with current planning, and which are in a situation of legal limbo.

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